2016年6月9日 星期四

F4 Biology teaching notes Ch 11: 2nd Term NE 23

11.4  Comparison between mitotic and
meiotic cell divisions(Book 2, p. 11-21)

Ø   Similarities:
n   (1) DNA has replicated before the beginning of both processes.
n   Both involve nuclear division and (2) cytoplasmic division.
n   Both involve the movement of chromosomes and the distribution of chromosomes among daughter cells.

Ø   Differences:
Mitotic cell division
Meiotic cell division
Place of occurrence
(3) Body cells
(4) Gamete - producing cells
Number of cell division
(5) One
(6) Two
Pairing of homologous chromosomes
(7) Occurs / Does not occur
(8) occur
Separation of homologous chromosomes into daughter nuclei
(9) Occurs/ Does not occur
(10) occur
Crossing over
(11) does not occur
May occur
Daughter cell
Number produced
(12) Two
(13) Four
Chromosome number
Same as parent cell
((14) Diploid /2n)
Half of parent cell
((15) Haploid /n)
Genetic make-up
(16)Same as / Different from parent cell and among daughter cells
(17) different from parent cell and among daughter cells
Cell type
Body cells
(18) Gametes
Forms genetically identical cells for:
n  growth
n  (19) repair
n  (20) asexual reproduction
n  Forms haploid gametes for
(21) sexual reproduction
n  Produces (22)genetic variation that enhance the survival of the species

