2016年6月8日 星期三

F4 Biology teaching notes Ch 10: 2nd Term NE 18

10.3  Transport in plants (Book 1B, p. 10-22)


What structures are responsible for transport in flowering plants? (Book 1B, p. 10-22)

Ø   (1) Vascular bundles (維管組織) are specialized structures for the transport of substances in flowering plants.
Ø   The vascular bundles (維管束) are formed by two types of vascular tissues:
n   (2) xylem (木質部)
n   (3) phloem (韌皮部)

1   Xylem
n   is responsible for transporting (4) water and (5) minerals.
n   mainly consists of (6) xylem vessels (木質導管).

n   Structure of xylem vessels:


How is vascular tissue distributed in flowering plants? (Book 1B, p. 10-23)

Ø   Xylem and phloem are arranged in large, separate strands called (18) vascular bundles in flowering plants.

Ø   Distribution of the vascular bundles in the roots, stems and leaves of dicotyledonous plants is different:

In leaves
n  Vascular bundles are found in the large central
(12) mid rib and the network of small veins.

n  Xylem lies at the (13) top of phloem.

In stems
n   Vascular bundles are separate and usually arranged in a ring at the (14) periphery.
l   (15) xylem is located in the inner region

l   (16) phloem is in the outer region

In roots
n   Vascular bundles are located at the (17) centre.

n   Phloem is found between xylem.


How are water and minerals transported in flowering plants? (Book 1B, p. 10-25)

 1    Water is lost from leaves through (18) transpiration.
Transpiration pull is created.
v     The continuous hollow tube-like structure of xylem vessels allows a continuous stream of water to be formed inside them. Water is drawn
up the (19) xylem vessels by transpiration pull as a continuous stream.
(20) Minerals dissolved in water are transported up the plant along with the water.
w     Water and minerals in the soil are absorbed into (21the root.


How are organic nutrients transported in flowering plants? (Book 1B, p. 10-27)

Ø  (22) _______________ is responsible for transporting organic nutrients.
Ø   Organic nutrients are transported from the site of production (e.g. leaves) to the parts where they are:
n   consumed (e.g. buds and roots) or
n   (23) storage organs (e.g. fruits).
Ø   The transport of organic nutrients in plants is called (24) translocation (輸導).
Ø   Organic nutrients are transported in (25) phloem

