2015年10月10日 星期六

中五生物筆記 15.2 NE 04 & NE 05

15.2 NE 04
41     角膜              42     玻璃狀液          43     晶體                 44     上下左右      45     實像 / 虛像
46     /           47     感光                 48     視神經              49     視覺             50     視錐細胞 
51     色覺                 52     弱光/強光                53     弱光/強光                54     黃點                 55     黃點
56     視神經              57     光感受器         58     神經脈衝         59     / 不會         60     視網膜
61     環肌 / 放射肌 62     環肌 / 放射肌 63     瞳孔                 64     放鬆/收縮       65     放鬆/收縮
66     放鬆/收縮       67     放鬆/收縮    68     縮小/擴張       69     縮小/擴張    70     減少/增加
71     減少/增加      

15.2 NE 05
72     曲率              73     折射             74     視覺調節          75     發散/接近平行
76     發散/接近平行        77     放鬆/收縮    78     放鬆/收縮    79     增加/減少       80     增加/減少
81     增加/減少       82     增加/減少    83     變薄變厚    84     變薄變厚       85     較小/較大
86     較小/較大       87     近物 / 遠物     88     近物 / 遠物     89     過薄 / 過厚   90     前面 / 後面
91     過短 / 過長     92     前面                 93     凹透鏡/凸透鏡  94     凹透鏡              95     遠物
96     近物                 97     過薄                 98     後面                 99     過短                 100   後面
101   凹透鏡/凸透鏡  102   凸透鏡              103   分辨                 104   視錐                 105   紅綠

106   遺傳性                              

F4 Bio QZ 03

2 The cell
M.C.                                                                                                                                        (5 marks)


F4 Biology teaching notes NE 06, NE 07 & NE 08

2.3 NE 06
1         Neurons, liver cells, muscle cells, nephrons etc.                                           2         Cell membrane       
3         Differentially permeable                                     4         Cytoplasm              5         proteins
6         organelles               7         chemical                  8         Nucleus                   9         nuclear membrane   10       DNA
11       Endoplasmic reticulum                                       12       ribosomes                13       proteins                   14       lipids
15       Mitochondrion        16       double                     17       respiration               18       Vacuole                   19       cell sap
20       Cell wall                  21       cellulose                   22       Fully                       23       Chloroplast             24       double
25       chlorophyll              26       photosynthesis        27       nucleus                    28       cell membrane         29       rough ER
30       mitochondrion         31       cell wall                   32       Chloroplast              23       present / absent        34       present / absent
35       present / absent        36       present / absent        37       larger / smaller         38       larger / smaller         39       smaller / larger

40       smaller / larger

2.4 NE 07
1         unicellular                2         multicellular organisms                                      3         cell division             4         cell differentiation
5         tissue                      6         organ                       7         system                    

2.5 NE 08
1         eukaryotic cells        2         nuclear membrane   3         eukaryotes               4         prokaryotic cells      5         true nucleus
6         prokaryotes             7         ribosome                 8         genetic material        9         DNA                       10       Present / Absent
11      Present / Absent      12       Present / Absent      13       Present / Absent      14       cytoplasm                15       nucleus
16       Present / Absent      17       Present / Absent      18       Present / Absent      19       Present / Absent     20       endoplasmic reticulum
21       plant                        22       cellulose                  23       bacteria        


醫健寶庫:患黃斑前膜 影像變形損視力 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20151010/00176_103.html

2015年10月5日 星期一

F4 Biology teaching notes NE 05

2.2 NE 05
1         cell walls                  2         Cell Theory             3         cells                         4         basic unit                 5         pre-existing
6         Light microscope    7         Transmission                     8         two / three               9         Scanning                 10       external
11       two / three               12       lenses                      13       Eyepiece                  14       Nosepiece                15       Objective
16       Condenser               17       focus                       18       Diaphragm              19       light                         20       reflects
21       Coarse adjustment knob                                     22       rough                       23       Fine adjustment knob

24       sharp                       25       laterally                    26       total magnification   27       image                       28       object

F4 Biology teaching notes NE 04

2.1 NE04
1         inorganic                 2         water                       3       inorganic ions          4         Carbohydrates        5         Lipids
6         Proteins                   7         Nucleic acids           8         reactant                    9         medium                   10       transport
11      cooling                    12       shape                      13       support                    14       buoyancy                 15       nitrogen
16       Proteins                   17       chlorophyll              18       enzymes                   19       Calcium                   20       bones
21       contraction               22       haemoglobin            23       Biomolecules           24       carbon                     25       carbohydrates
26       Glucose                   27       energu                     28       glycogen                  29       reserve                    30       Cellulose
31       cell wall                   32       Lipids                      33       Triglycerides           34       hydrogen                 35       oxygen
36       Phospholipid                      37       cell membranes        38       Nitrogen                  39       globular proteins     40       enzymes
41      Antibodies               42       Hormones               43       Nucleic acids           44       Phosphorous                      45       Deoxyribonucleic acid

46       genetic                     

F4 Biology WS 03 ans

2 The cell I
WS 02 03
Suggested Answers

Textbook exercise (P. 33-137)
M.C.        (4 marks)

Q. 9                                                                                                                                         (4 marks)
(i)     Make the cellular structures more prominent (1).
(ii)    Cover the tissues with a cover slip (1).

Q. 10                                                                                                                                       (4 marks)
10        a     
Total magnification
    b      i       2.8 mm/7 μm                                                                                                        1
                        = 400                                                                                                                    1
                ii      Plant cells are larger than animal cells.                                                                 1

12        a      Advantages:
                It can be used to see ultra-structures. /
                It can produce images with higher magnifications. /
                It can produce images with higher resolution. / It has a higher resolving power.
                (any 2)                                                                                                                    1 x 2
                The cost is high. /
                It is difficult to operate. /
                The preparation of specimens is complex. /
                Living material cannot be viewed. (any 2)                                                             1 x 2
        b      i       47 mm                                                                                                                  1
                ii      47 mm/6800                                                                                                         1
                    = 6.91 μm                                                                                                             1
        c      i       Mitochondrion                                                                                                     1

                ii      It is the main site where respiration takes place.                                                  1