2015年10月23日 星期五

中五生物筆記 15.2 NE 04 - 15.4 NE 08

15.2 NE 04
41     角膜              42     玻璃狀液          43     晶體                 44     上下左右      45     實像 / 虛像
46     /           47     感光                 48     視神經              49     視覺             50     視錐細胞 
51     色覺                 52     弱光/強光                53     弱光/強光                54     黃點                 55     黃點
56     視神經              57     光感受器         58     神經脈衝         59     / 不會         60     視網膜
61     環肌 / 放射肌 62     環肌 / 放射肌 63     瞳孔                 64     放鬆/收縮       65     放鬆/收縮
66     放鬆/收縮       67     放鬆/收縮    68     縮小/擴張       69     縮小/擴張    70     減少/增加
71     減少/增加      

15.2 NE 05
72     曲率              73     折射             74     視覺調節          75     發散/接近平行
76     發散/接近平行        77     放鬆/收縮    78     放鬆/收縮    79     增加/減少       80     增加/減少
81     增加/減少       82     增加/減少    83     變薄變厚    84     變薄變厚       85     較小/較大
86     較小/較大       87     近物 / 遠物     88     近物 / 遠物     89     過薄 / 過厚   90     前面 / 後面
91     過短 / 過長     92     前面                 93     凹透鏡/凸透鏡  94     凹透鏡              95     遠物
96     近物                 97     過薄                 98     後面                 99     過短                 100   後面
101   凹透鏡/凸透鏡  102   凸透鏡              103   分辨                 104   視錐                 105   紅綠
106   遺傳性                             

15.3 NE 06
1      外耳                 2      中骨                 3      內波                 4      耳廓                 5      聲波
6      聽道                 7      聲波                 8      鼓膜                 9      振動                 10     聽小骨
11     擴大                 12     卵圓窗              13     聽小骨              14     耳蝸          15     感覺毛細胞
16     圓窗                 17     壓力          18     聽神經              19                          20    半規管
21     平衡           22     耳咽管           23                          24     大氣壓力          25     外淋巴
26     內淋巴              27     內淋巴              28     彎曲                 29     刺激                 30     聽神經
31     聲波                 32     鼓膜                 33     振動                 34     卵圓窗              35     外淋巴
36     內淋巴              37     神經脈衝          38     聽覺中心          39     聽覺                 40     圓窗

15.4 NE 07
1      生長                 2      單側                 3      向性           4      向光性              5      /
6      向著 / 背離     7      光合作用         8                           9      背離                 10     固定
11     胚芽鞘           12     迅速                 13     大量                 14     頂端                 15     敏感
16     瓊脂塊              17     雲母片              18     化學                 19     以下                 20     背光
21     較高 / 較低     22     較快 / 較慢     23     不平均        24     較高 / 較低   25     背光
26     生長素              27     頂端                 28     吲哚乙酸          29     頂端                 30     延長
31     初生 / 次生  32     相同 / 不同  33     / 不會         34     雲母片              35     相同 / 不相同
36     F                      37     向光                 38     背光                

15.4 NE 08
39     濃度                 40     10-4
41     1                      42     /             43     促進/抑制       44     促進/抑制       45     促進/抑制
46     抑制                 47     平均                 48     向光                 49     背光                 50     促進

51     背光                 52     抑制                 53     向光                         

F4 Biology WS 04 ans

2 The cell II
WS 04
Suggested Answers

Textbook exercise
(5 marks)

Q. 9                                                                                                                                         (2 marks)
(a)    Cell membrane (1) and cytoplasm (1)
Con: Nucleus is not correct because many living cells such as differentiated sieve cells in plants and red blood cells in human do not have nucleus.

Q. 11
(a)    Mitochondria (1)
        (Rough) endoplasmic reticulum (1)
(b)    EM can give out an image with higher magnification and resolution (1)
          The EM technology enables the scientists to discover the structures of organelles inside cells, so that they can investigate the functions of organelles (1).                                  (4 marks)

(a)    A large vacuole / chloroplasts / cell wall (any 2) (2)
(b)    (i)
Description of function
Cell part

Controls the passage of nutrients into the cell
Increase in volume when the cell is placed in water
Contains genetic material
Prevents the cell bursting
Produces glucose during photosynthesis
(ii)    The magnification = 6.4 cm / 0.1 mm                                                                                   1
                                        = 6.4 cm / 0.01 cm
                                        = 640                                                                                                       1
Con: Many students don’t know how to calculate the magnification. Also some of them
         even cannot convert the unit “mm” into “cm”.

a      i       The magnification = 2.8 cm / 2 mm                                                                              1
                                               = 0.028 m / 2 X 10-6 m OR 28000 mm / 2 mm                               1
                                               = 14000                                                                                         1
Con: Many students don’t know how to calculate the magnification. Also some of them
         even cannot convert the unit “cm” into “m” or “mm”.

        ii      Mitochondrion                                                                                                             1
        iii     Mitochondria release energy by respiration.                                                                1
                Muscle cells require much energy                                                                                1
                for contraction.                                                                                                             1
Rel:   Many students just copy irrelevant information of mitochondria from teaching notes (e.g. liver cells have many mitochondria) but cannot give an answer corresponding to the question.
Exp: Some students explain well why muscle cells need much energy.

        b      Muscle cells have a nucleus / nuclear membrane while bacterial cells do not.             1
            Muscle cells have membrane-bounded organelles while bacterial cells do not.           1
                Muscle cells have no cell wall while some bacterial cells have a cell wall.                  1
Rel:   Again, many students cannot give an answer corresponding to the question. They just give a comparison of eukaryotic cells with prokaryotic cells without the mention of muscle cells and bacterial cells.

    Both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells are bounded by a cell membrane.                    1
        Both have DNA as genetic material.                                                                                   1
        Prokaryotic cells have no true nucleus while eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus.
        / DNA of prokaryotic cells is lying free in the cytoplasm while DNA of eukaryotic cells is enclosed in the nucleus.
        / Prokaryotic cells are usually smaller than eukaryotic cells.
        / The cell wall of prokaryotic cells does not contain cellulose while the cell wall of eukaryotic cells contains cellulose.
        / Prokaryotic cells do not have organelles bounded by a double membrane while eukaryotic cells have organelles bounded by a double membrane.
        / Prokaryotic cells do not have endoplasmic reticulum while eukaryotic cells have endoplasmic reticulum.
        / In prokaryotic cells, ribosomes are lying free in the cytoplasm while in eukaryotic cells, some ribosomes are attached to endoplasmic reticulum and some are lying free in the cytoplasm.
                                                                                                                                            (any 5) 1 x 5
        Communication                                                                                                                      3
Con: Many students give up to answer question. Actually, it is easy for them to write something by converting the table of comparison in the teaching notes into paragraphs.

Rel:   Some students only state the differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells without comparing their similarities.