2016年6月9日 星期四

F4 Biology 2nd Term WS 13 ans: 11 Cell cycle and division II

11 Cell cycle and division II
2nd Term WS 13

(a)     Metaphase                                                                                                                     1m
(b)     Y → X → Z → W                                                                                                         1m
(c)     The cells have no cell wall.                                                                                           1m
(d)     The chromosomes are not in homologous pairs. /
Only two cells are produced in stage W. /
No chiasmata are formed between chromosomes. (any 2)                                    1m x 2                            
(a)     R ® S ® Q ® T ® P                                                                                                  3m

(b)    The DNA content of the cell at stage R is double that in a cell at stage P.                    1m
After stage R, the chromosomes in the cell separate into two equal groups                 1m
and each group goes to a daughter cell.                                                                         1m
As chromosomes are made up of DNA, mitotic cell division reduces
the DNA content of the cell at stage R by half.                                                            1m

(c)    To produce new cells for growth.                                                                                   1m
To produce new cells for replacing worn-out or damaged cells.                                    1m
For asexual reproduction in some organisms to produce offspring.                               1m

(a)    (i)    Chromosomes were / chromatin / nucleus was visible after staining. /
Staining enabled the determination of different stages in mitosis / cell cycle. /
Staining provided contrast between cell structures. (any 2)                           1m x 2
(ii)     Mitosis                                                                                                                   1m

(b)    4.34% + 3.23% + 3.23% + 7.20%                                                                                  1m
= 18%                                                                                                                             1m
100% – 82%                                                                                                                    1m
= 18%                                                                                                                              1m

(c)    In meiosis, the cells produced are not genetically identical. /
In meiosis, the cells produced have only one set of chromosomes / are haploid. /
In meiosis, the cells produced are gametes. /

In meiosis, four cells are produced.                                                                                1m

