2016年6月9日 星期四

F4 Biology teaching notes Ch 11: 2nd Term NE 21

11.2         The cell cycle and mitotic cell division

Ø   New cells can be produced by (1) cell division
Ø   During the process of cell division,
n   a (2) parent cell divides into two or more new cells called (3)daughter cells
n   the (4)genetic information of the parent cell passes to the daughter cells.
This information determines the cellular structure and function, and is carried by (5)DNA
Ø   Many body cells can divide by (6)mitotic cell division (有絲細胞分裂).
Ø   The sequence of events that takes place in a body cell from one cell division to the next is called
(7) cell cycle (細胞週期)


What are the stages of the cell cycle?(Book 2, p. 11-6)

(8) Interphase (間期)
It is also called cell growth.
Mitotic cell division
It consists of (9)nuclear division and (10)cytoplasmic division.

1      Interphase (間期) (cell growth)
n   Many biochemical activities take place to prepare for cell division, including:
l  synthesisof new (11) organelles
and proteins.
l  DNA (12) replicates (複製). Each chromosome becomes duplicated (複製)
and it consists of (13) two
identical DNA molecules.
l  the growth of cell to its (14) maximum size.
n   Chromosomes are (15) visible / invisible at this stage.

2      Mitotic cell division (有絲細胞分裂)
n   A body cell divides to form (16) two daughter cells.
n   The daughter cells contain the same (17) numbers and (18) types of chromosomes as their parent cell.

i)      Nuclear division (核分裂)
l   The nuclear division of mitotic cell division is called (19) mitosis (有絲分裂). It involves:
²   the separation of the (20) sister chromatids of each chromosomes
²   the equal (21) distribution of the separated chromatids between two daughter nuclei, so that each daughter nucleus obtains a complete set of chromosomes

l   The produced nuclei are (22) diploid (2n) (same as the parent cell)

l   Mitosis can be divided into four stages:

1.      (23) Prophase (前期)
l   Chromosomes shorten and thicken.
They become (24) visible  / invisible
l   Two chromatids link together at
(25) centromere, forming the chromosome.
l   The (26) nuclear membrane breaks down.
2.      (27) Metaphase (中期)
l   The chromosomes line up along the
(28) equator
l   (29)spindle fibres (紡錘絲)attach to the chromosomes.
3.      (30) Anaphase (後期)
l   The spindle fibres(31) contract.
l   The (32) chromatid separates and move to opposite poles of the cell.
l   The (33)cytoplasm start to divide.
èSeparation of chromosomes
4.      (34) Telophase (末期)
l   New (35) nuclear membrane form around each group of chromosomes.
l   The chromosomes uncoil展開 to become
(36) chromatins again.
èProcess of mitotic division

ii)     Cytoplasmic division (胞質分裂)
l   is also called (37) cytokinesis (胞質分裂).
l   takes place near the end of the mitosis.
l   The (38) cytoplasm of the parent cell divides into two equal halves, forming two daughter cells.

l   In animal cells,the cell membrane around the centre of the cell (39) contracts inwards until the cell separates into two.

l   In plant cells, a (40) cell plate (細胞板) is formed between the two daughter nuclei and grows outwards from the centre of the cell, dividing the (41) cytoplasm into two halves.


What is the importance of mitotic cell division?(Book 2, p. 11-11)(CE-2006-I-A Q.4)

Ø   Mitotic cell division produces daughter cells that are genetically(42) identical to / different from their parent cell.
Ø   Mitotic cell division is important for:
n   (43) growth: providing new cells for multicellular organism;
n   (44) repair: providing new cells to replace dead or damaged cells;
n   (45) asexual reproduction(無性生殖).

