2016年6月9日 星期四

F4 Biology 2nd Term WS 11 ans: 10 Transpiration, transport and support in plants II

10 Transpiration, transport and support in plants II
2nd Term WS 11

(a)   Both tissues are found within vascular bundles.                                                                        1m
       Xylem is on the inside while phloem is on the outside of each bundle.                                     1m

(b)   Cells of sieve tubes are joined end to end / form continuous structures through the plant. /
       Their end walls form sieve plates. /
       They are associated with companion cells. /
       There is a little cytoplasm / few organelles / no nucleus. (any 2)                                           1m x 2

(a)   X is phloem.                                                                                                                                1m
       It is responsible for the transport of organic nutrients in the plant.                                            1m
       Y is xylem.                                                                                                                                  1m
       It is responsible for the transport of water and minerals in the plant /
       provides mechanical support to the plant.                                                                                  1m

(b)   The fungal spores will be carried upwards.                                                                                1m
       The fungal spores will be carried along with the water stream in Y (xylem).                             1m
       Water stream in Y, which is drawn up by transpiration pull, always flows upwards.                1m

(a)   transpiration                                                                                                                                 1m
       xylem                                                                                                                                           1m
       osmosis                                                                                                                                        1m
       stomata                                                                                                                                        1m

(b)   Photosynthesis is essential for plants to gain energy. /
       Gas exchange is needed for photosynthesis to occur. /
       Plants need to open stomata to exchange gases. /
       Some water is lost through the cuticle. (any 2)                                                                     1m x 2

(a)   Xylem: K, Q, X                                                                                                                           1m
       Phloem: L, P, Y                                                                                                                            1m

(b)   In the stems, the vascular bundles are separate and arranged in a ring at the periphery.            1m
       In the roots, the vascular bundles are located at the centre.                                                        1m

(c)   On the leaves, there are numerous stomata to allow gases to diffuse into and out of the leaves.

       Roots are not covered with cuticle. Gases diffuse through their surfaces.                                 1m

