2016年4月3日 星期日

F4 Biology teaching notes Ch 9: 2nd Term NE 14

3      What is the effect of light intensity on gas exchange in plants?    

n   The net uptake and release of gases by a plant depend on which process occurs at a faster rate:
(39) Respiration

(40) Photosynthesis

n  produces (41) carbon dioxide
and consume (42) oxygen
n  takes place all the time at a rather constant rate.
n  produce (43) oxygen and
consume (44) carbon dioxide
n  its rate is greatly affected by
(45) light intensity (光強度)
n   Therefore, the net uptake or release of gases by a plant would be affected by light intensity.

At high light intensity
(e.g. in the daytime)
At low light intensity
(e.g. at night)
l   The rate of photosynthesis is
(46) higher / lower than that of respiration.
l   As a result, there is a net (47) uptake / release of carbon dioxide and a net
(48) release of oxygen.
l   (49) Photosynthesis stops and only
(50) respiration occurs.
l   As a result, there is a net (51) uptake
of oxygen and a net (52) release
of carbon dioxide.

n   The relationship between light intensity and carbon dioxide exchange in a plant:

In the dark:
Ÿ   Only (53) respiration takes place
Ÿ   The plant releases carbon dioxide and takes in oxygen
Light intensity slowly increases as the morning comes:
Ÿ   Photosynthesis takes place at an increasing rate that is (54) higher / lower than respiratory rate.
Ÿ   More and more carbon dioxide is used up
Ÿ   Carbon dioxide released in respiration remains (55) constant
Ÿ   Net release of carbon dioxide and net uptake of oxygen decrease
At (45) compensation point (補償點):
Ÿ   The rate of photosynthesis is (46) equal to the rate of respiration
Ÿ   No net exchange of gases
Light intensity increases further:
Ÿ   Photosynthesis occurs at a (47) higher rate than respiration
Ÿ   Net uptake of carbon dioxide and net release of oxygen
Light intensity increases even further after reaching a particular level:
Ÿ   Photosynthesis reaches maximum rate and does not increase further
Ÿ   Net uptake of carbon dioxide does not increase
Ÿ   Another factor (e.g. carbon dioxide concentration) limits the rate of
(48) photosynthesis (Limiting factors限制因素)

