2016年4月3日 星期日

F4 Biology 2nd Term WS 02 ans: 7 Gas Exchange in Human

7 Gas Exchange in Human

2nd Term WS 02

(a)     Nasal cavity / trachea / bronchi / bronchioles                                                                        1m
(b)     The cells need to carry out respiration to release energy                                                       1m
          for the movement of cilia.                                                                                                     1m
(c)     Mucus-secreting cells secrete mucus                                                                                     1m
          to trap bacteria.                                                                                                                      1m
          The cilia beat to sweep mucus towards the pharynx. The mucus is then swallowed or
          coughed up.                                                                                                                           1m

(a)     Refreshing the air in the air sacs increases the concentration of oxygen in the air sacs.
          This helps maintain a higher oxygen concentration than in the blood.                                 1m
  It also decreases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air sacs.
  This helps maintain a lower carbon dioxide concentration than in the blood.                      1m
(b)     The continuous blood flow in the capillaries                                                                 1m
  brings in more carbon dioxide / takes away more oxygen.                                                   1m
  Oxygen combines with haemoglobin                                                                                    1m
  to keep the oxygen concentration in blood / plasma low.                                                     1m

(a)     oxyhaemoglobin                                                                                                                    1m
(b)     lungs                                                                                                                                      1m
(c)     plasma                                                                                                                                    1m
(d)     hydrogencarbonate                                                                                                                1m
(e)     water                                                                                                                                      1m

(a)     The lungs contain a large number of air sacs.                                                                       1m
          (This provides a large surface area for diffusion of gases.)                                                  
(b)     The walls of air sacs are one-cell thick / very thin.                                                               1m
          (This reduces the diffusion distance of gases.)                                                                    
(c)     Ventilation brings fresh air to the lungs to maintain a high oxygen content
          in the lungs and to remove carbon dioxide from the lungs. /
          The lungs are richly supplied with capillary
          (which allows oxygenated blood to be carried away from the air sacs
          and deoxygenated blood to be carried to the air sacs.)                                                        1m

(d)     The lungs are deep inside the body.                                                                                     1m

