2015年12月9日 星期三

F4 EXP05: Practical 4.3

Practical 4.3
Investigation of the Effect of Temperature
on Enzyme Activity (Book 1A P. 11-12)

Objective:       To investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity

Biological principle and experiment design:                                                                  (14 marks)
Enzyme activity is affected by temperature. When temperature increases, the kinetic (1) energy of the enzyme molecules and the substrate molecules increases, so that the chance of formation of
Enzyme-substrate complex (1) increases. At high temperature, on the other hand, the
vibrations (1) of the amino acid molecules within enzyme proteins become more
vigorous, leading to the breakdown of the weak bonds maintaining the 3D conformation (1)
of the active site (1) of enzyme. The enzyme is said to be denatured (1).

To investigate the effect of temperature on the catalytic activity of enzyme, amylase, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch, can be used:

                        starch (1)                                                maltose (1)
                                                        water (1)
The amylase activity can be deduced by measuring how quickly starch (the substrate) disappears (1).
The presence of starch can be shown by iodine (1) solution. When all starch molecules are
completely broken down, the reaction mixture no longer shows blue-black (1).
The independent variable in this experiment is the reaction temperature (1).

The dependent variable is       the activity of amylase (1), which can be measured as the reciprocal of the reaction time (the time of disappearance of starch), i.e. 1 / reaction time.

Results:                                                                                                                                  (7 marks)
Temp (OC)
Time of disappearance of blue-black colour (t) (min)
Reaction rate (1/t) (min-1)
A + 1
B + 2
C + 3
D + 4
E + 5
Time (1); Correct calculation of reaction time (1)

Title (1), Choice and labels of axis (1), units (1), Correct plotLow temperature to optimum temperature (1) + Temperature for denaturation (1)

Result Interpretation:                                                                                                           (7 marks)
1          Describe and explain for the result of the above graph.
At low temperature, the reaction rate is very low (1). This is because the enzyme is inactive at low temperature (1).
The reaction rate increases with increasing temperature (1), as the kinetic energy of the enzyme and substrate molecules increase with the increasing temperature (1), which increases the chance of the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex (1).
The reaction rate is highest at X oC, the optimum temperature for the enzyme (1). When temperature is higher than optimum temperature, enzymes denature. The loss of the 3D-conformation causes the reaction rate decrease and become zero (1).

Discussion:                                                                                                                              (9 marks)
2     Explain why it is necessary to place the test tubes into the water bath for 10 minutes before mixing the solutions. (1)
To ensure that the amylase and the starch solution have reached the pre-set temperature before mixing together / the reaction (1).

3     Explain why we have to use a clean dropper to transfer the mixtures at each 2-minute interval.                                                                                                                                                  (1)
To prevent the remains in the dropper from interfering with the experimental results (1).

4     Predict and explain the effects of the following treatments on the experimental results.
(a)   Heating the mixture of starch and amylase from 0oC to 37oC. (3)
Starch will be broken down (1), leading to the disappearance of blue-black colour (1).
This is because amylase becomes more active as the temperature increases from 0oC to 37oC

(b)   Cooling the mixture of starch and amylase from 100oC to 37oC. (3)
The blue-black colour will not disappear (1) as starch will not be broken down (1).
Amylase has been denatured at 100oC. It’s activity cannot be reversed even the temperature drops to 37oC (1).

5     Besides measuring the time of disappearance of starch molecules, what other methods can be used to measure the activity of amylase? (1)
To measure the rate of appearance of maltose molecules (1)

Conclusion:                                                                                                                            (3 marks)
Amylase is inactive at low temperature (1) and its activity increases with increasing temperature (1). It loses its activity when the temperature is too high (1).

