2015年12月12日 星期六

F4 Biology teaching notes Ch 6: NE 26

E  Digestion in the small intestine (Book 1A, p. 6-16)

Ø   Small intestine:
n  (51) Duodenum (十二指腸) (~20cm)
n  Ileum (迴腸) (~5m)
Ø   Digestive juices in the small intestine:

1      Bile (膽汁)                                                                    
n   is produced by the (52) liver
n   is temporarily stored in the (53) gall bladder and is released through the (54) bile duct into the duodenum
n   contains:
Function / Feature
Bile salt
l  For physical digestion:
²  (56) emulsify lipids into small droplets微滴
²  to increase the (57) surface area in contact with the lipase
²  to facilitate the chemical digestion of lipids
Bile pigment
l  Do not take part in digestion
l  Green pigment formed from the (59) haemoglobin of the worn-out red blood cells
Sodium hydrogencarbonate
l  (61) Neutralizes the acidic chyme
l  Provides an (62) alkaline medium for the action of enzymes in the small intestine
Does not contain any (63) enzymes

2      Pancreatic juice (胰液)                                    èFig 8: Liver, gall bladder and pancreas
n   is produced by the (63) pancreas.
n   is carried along the (64) pancreatic duct to the duodenum
n   contains:
Pancreatic amylase
l   Catalyses the breakdown of the remaining starch
into (66) maltose
l   Catalyse the breakdown of some proteins into
(68) peptides
l  Catalyses the breakdown of some peptides into amino acids
Pancreatic lipase           
l  Catalyses the breakdown of the emulsified lipids
into (70) fatty acids and glycerol
Nuclease (核酸酶)
l   Catalyses the breadown of nucleic acid
Sodium hydrogencarbonate (碳酸氫鈉)
l  Neutralizes the acidic chyme
l  Provides an (71) alkaline medium for the action of the enzymes in the small intestine

3      Intestinal juice (腸液)
n   is produced by some (72) glands in the wall of the small intestine.
n   is slightly (73) acidic / alkaline
n   mainly contains:

(74)  Mucus

l   Lubricates the intestinal wall
l   Prevents self-digestion (自我消化)
Sodium hydrogencarbonate
l  (76) Neutralizes the acidic chyme
l   Provides an alkaline medium for the action of the enzymes in the small intestine

n   The (77) epithelium of the small intestine has specialized cells that have various enzymes on their cell membranes. These enzymes include:
(78)     Carbohydrases
Catalyse the breakdown of disaccharides into
(79) monosaccharides (單糖)
Maltase (麥芽糖酶)
Maltose à Glucose
Sucrase (蔗糖酶)
Sucrose à Glucose + Fructose (果糖)
Lactase (乳糖酶)
Lactose à Glucose + Galactose (半乳糖)
Catalyse the breakdown of some peptides into
(81)amino acid
Catalyses the breakdown of lipide into
Glycerol and(82) fatty acids

Bile is not produced in gall bladder. Instead, it is produced in liver but is temporarily stored in gall bladder

