2015年12月11日 星期五

F4 Biology teaching notes NE 12

Active Transport 主動轉運 (Book 1A, p. 3-21)

Ø  is the transport of substances across the cell membrane
(49) against a concentration gradient.
Ø  It involves (50) carrier proteins. Only substances that fit the (51) shape of the carrier proteins can be transported by active transport
Ø   is an (52) active process and requires energy. Therefore it only occurs in
(53) living cells which can release energy by (54) respiration (呼吸作用).

Ø  Active transport is important for obtaining useful substances, e.g. the absorption of:
n  nutrients like (55) glucose / amino acids / lipids in human small intestines
n  (56) minerals from the soil into the roots of plants.

