2015年12月11日 星期五

F4 Biology teaching notes Ch 5: NE 19

NE 19

l  Our body needs 20 types of amino acids to build up various proteins. The amino acids can be classified into:
 (66) Non-essential amino acids (非必需氨基酸)
(67) Essential amino acids (必需氨基酸)
can be produced by our body
have to be obtained from the diet

l  Food source: meat, fish, eggs, beans, milk and other dairy product

l  Functions:
n  important component of cell (68)membrane / proteins for:
² growth
² (69) repair
of body tissues.
n  Amino acids are broken down to release (70) energy if the carbohydrates and lipids stored in the body are used up.
n  formation of:                                                             
² functional molecules (功能分子) such as enzymes, haemoglobin, (71) antibodies (抗體) and some hormones (激素)
² structural molecules (結構分子) like collagen (膠原蛋白)
l  Fate of excess proteins:
n  excess amino acids cannot be stored in body but are broken down in the liver by
(72) deamination (脫氨):                                                    
² the removed amino group forms (73)urea which is excreted with urine (尿液)
² the remained parts form carbohydrates and are broken down to release energy in the metabolic pathway of respiration                    

l  A deficiency of protein may lead to (74) kwashiorkor (蛋白缺乏症)  

