2015年12月11日 星期五

F4 Biology teaching notes Ch 5: Food and humans NE 17

NE 17
5    Food and humans

5.1  Modes of nutrition營養方式 (Book 1A, p. 5-3)
Ø  Various modes of nutrition (營養模式) in different organisms:

Carbon source (碳來源)
Autotrophic (自養營養)
Utilize CO2 (inorganic carbon source)
Heterotrophic (異養營養)
Utilize organic carbon source
Energy souce
Use light energy
Photoautotrophic (光合自養)
l  All green plants
Photoheterotrophic (光合異養)

Use chemical energy
Chemoautotrophic (化能自養) /
Chemosynthetic (化能合成)
l  Some bacteria such as Nitrosomonas (亞硝化單胞菌屬)
l  Some nitrogen cycle bacteria (氮循環細菌)
Chemoheterotrophic (化能異養)
l  All animals and fungi (真菌)
l  Most bacteria
l  Some parasites (寄生生物)

Ø   Plants can make their own food by photosynthesis. This mode of nutrition is called
(1) autotrophic nutrition (自養營養) and plants are (2) autotrophs (自養生物).
Ø   Humans and many other organisms have to take in organic matter (有機物) from their surroundings.
This mode of nutrition is called (3) heterotrophic nutrition (異養營養).
Organisms that carry out this mode of nutrition are called (4) heterotrophs (異養生物).

5.2  The food requirements of humans  (Book 1A, p. 5-4)

A  Why do we need food? (Book 1A, p. 5-4)

Ø   Food provides us with:
l   (1) energy for supporting daily activities and keeping us warm.
l   raw materials for (2)growth and repair of body tissues.

l   substances that are important for maintaining (3) health.

B  Food substances (Book 1A, p. 5-4)
Primary food substances (基本食物物質)
Protective food substances (保護性食物物質)
(4) carbohydrate (碳水化合物)
(7) Minerals (礦物質)
(5) lipids (脂質)
(8) Vitamins (維生素)
(6) proteins (蛋白質)
(9) Dietary fibres (食用纖維)

1   Carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
lare organic substances which are made up of:
n(10) Carbon (C) atom
n(11)Hydrogen (H) atom
n(12) Oxygen (O) atom.
lH : O = 2 : 1                                          
lClassification of carbohydrates:

Type of carbohydrates
Feature & example
Food source


² The simplest form
² Taste sweet and are (14) soluble / insoluble in water
² all are (15) reducing sugars (還原糖)
² Example:

R  (16) glucose (葡萄糖)
R  fructose (果糖)
Fruits and honey
R  Galactose (半乳糖)
Milk and dairy products



² Formed by (18) condensation (縮合) of two monosaccharide molecules
² Can be broken down into monosaccharides by (19) hydrolysis (水解)
² Taste sweet and are (20) soluble in water
² except (21) sucrose, all are reducing sugars
² Example:

R (22)maltose (麥芽糖):
= glucose + glucose
Germinating barley (大麥)
R Sucrose (蔗糖):
= glucose + (23) fructose
Sugar cane (甘蔗) and sugar beet
R (24)lactose (乳糖)
= glucose + (25) galactose
Milk and dairy products



² Long chains of (27) monosaccharides joined by condensation
² Do not taste sweet and are (28) insoluble in water
² Example:

R (29)Starch (澱粉): the storage form of carbohydrates in plants.
Potatoes and cereal (穀類) products
R (30)Glycogen (糖原): the storage form in animals
Animal liver and muscle
R (31)Cellulose (纖維素)
Plant products

lFate of excess (過量) carbohydrates in our body:
n converted to (39)glycogen and stored in liver and muscle

n further converted to (40)lipids which is stored under skin and around internal organs 

