2015年12月12日 星期六

F4 Biology teaching notes Ch 6: NE 29

C  What are the roles of the liver? (Book 1A, p. 6-27)

Ø  Metabolism of carbohydrates
n  Regulation of the blood (17) glucose level by converting:
l excess glucose to (18) glycogen, which is stored in the liver è ¯ blood glucose level
l the stored glycogen to glucose, which is released into the (19) blood
è ­ blood glucose level
http://bcs.whfreeman.com/thelifewire/content/chp50/5002002.html (動畫: 胰島素與高血糖素的影響)
http://www.wiley.com/college/fob/quiz/quiz15/15-21.html (動畫: 糖原代謝的激素調節)

Ø  Metabolism of lipids
n  conversion of excess carbohydrates to (20) lipids for energy storage
n  release energy by breaking down the stored lipids according to body needs

Ø   Metabolism of proteins                                                                   èFig15: Transamination
n  (21) Deamination (脫氨作用): breakdown of excess amino acids:
l amino groups are converted into (22) urea (尿素) for excretion through kidney
l remaining carbon skeletons are broken down to release energy in respiratory pathway
n  (23) Transamination (轉氨): synthesis of different (24) non-essential amino acid
Ø   Production                                        
n  bile (contains metabolic wastes of haemoblobin)     
http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter21/animation__hemoglobin_breakdown.html (動畫: 血紅蛋白的分解)                                                           
n  vitamin A from (25) carotene (胡蘿蔔素)
n  (26) Heat which is distributed throughout body through bloodstream
Ø  Storage
n  glycogen and lipids
n  iron (where is it from?)
n  (27) Lipid-soluble vitamins (e.g. vitamins A and D)

Ø   (28) Detoxification (解毒)

6.6 Egestion (Book 1A, p. 6-30)
Ø  (1) Faeces is formed in the large intestine from:
n  the undigested and unabsorbed materials like (2) dietary fibres
n  secretions (分泌物) from the alimentary canal
n  bacteria
n  dead cells from the intestinal wall
n  a small amount of water
n  (3) bile pigment which gives the faeces a brown colour
Ø   Faeces are temporarily stored in the (3) rectum (直腸), and are pushed out through the anus
Ø   Egestion or (5) defecation (排糞) is the process of expelling faeces from the body:
n   the (4) anal sphincter (肛門括約肌) relaxes                
n   the muscles of the rectum contract

