2015年12月11日 星期五

F4 Biology teaching notes NE 13

Phagocytosis吞噬 (Book 1A, p. 3-22)

Ø  is the uptake of large particles into the cell by the formation of a
       (57)pit or (58) psedopodia (偽足) at the cell membrane.
Ø  is an (59) active process and requires energy.

Ø  occurs only in living cells

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_xh-bkiv_c (youtube: 白血球吞噬)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWItglvTiLc (youtube: 阿米巴吞噬)

Ø  Importance of phagocytosis:
n  (60) nutrition of some (61)unicellular organisms (單細胞生物), e.g. Amoeba (變形蟲) engulfs food particles
n  body defence (身體防衛) against diseases, e.g. in humans and other mammals, certain

(62)white blood cells engulf harmful microorganisms (有害的微生物).

