2015年12月13日 星期日

F4 Biology WS 12 ans

5 Food and humans

WS 12

1      (a)    Reducing sugars                                                                                                              1
(b)    The student did not boil the mixture after shaking.                                                       1
(c)    A brick-red precipitate would be formed.                                                                      1
        Glucose is a reducing sugar.                                                                                            1
(d)   Using glucose test paper                                                                                                 1

2      (a)    Mr Wong should be more muscular than Mrs Wong.                                                     1
                He needs more proteins for the growth and repair of muscles.                                      1
(b)    Tom Wong is growing actively.                                                                                       1
                He needs more calcium for the formation of bones and teeth.                                       1
(c)    Mrs Wong loses blood during menstruation regularly.                                                   1

She needs more iron to replace the loss of iron.                                                             1

