2015年10月23日 星期五

F4 Biology teaching notes NE 09, 10 & 11

3.1 NE 09
1         phospholipids          2         proteins                   3       carbohydrates          4         fluid mosaic model  5         phospholipids
6         proteins                   7         bilayer                     8         interspersed             9         laterally                    10       phospholipid
11      phosphate group      12       glycerol                   13       fatty acid                  14       Polar / Non-polar    15       Polar / Non-polar
16       hydrophilic              17       hydrophobic            18       Attracted / Repelled 19       Attracted / Repelled
20       lipid bilayer              21       hydrophobic            22       hydrophilic              23       fat-solutble              24       embedded
25       span                         26       glycoproteins           27       channel proteins      28      carriers                    29       active transport
30       receptors                  31       enzyme                    32       phospholipids          33       proteins                   34       bilayer
35       channels                  36       carriers                    37       differentially            38       non-polar                 39       polar
40       ions                         41       fluid                         42       shape                       43       cell division             44       Protein
45       support                   

3.2 NE 10
1         concentration gradient                                         2         higher / lower          3         higher / lower          4         evenly distibuted
5         net                         6         randomly                 7         passive                    8         energy                    
9         concentration gradient                                         10       higher                      11       higher                      12       more  
13       higher                      14       faster                       15       shorter                     16       larger                       17       exchange
18       oxygen                    19       wastes                                20       distributed

NE 11
21       water                       22       differentially
23       Water potential         24       highest / lowest       25       zero                        26       raises / lowers         27       negative
28       lower                       29       higher                      30      lower                       31       passive                    32       energy
33       higher than / lower than / the same as                34       the same as              35       lower than               36       Enters / Leaves
37       no net movement     38       leaves                      39       Swells                                40       bursts                      41       Shrinks
42       turgid                       43       remains the same     44       flaccid                      45       plasmolysis             46       cells

47       support                    48      concentrated / diluted                                       

